Friday, January 4, 2008

I loss it

I totally loss it today after badminton session, it was really unexpected.

What happen (or roughly what happen): I practically er… walk away from my friends when they offer to send me back, even shouted for me and I took the bus home instead.

Reasons: I was basically beat out (tired), it was a hot day, they even somewhat argue? complain? who should send who (me and Alvin practically sound like a bloody burden), I wasn’t in the best mood ever, and I haven’t got the slightest bite of food at all.

The consequences: I ate ramen instant noodle (which I always hated, thanks to I who didn’t stock up on solid food), feeling as bad and as guilty as ever, and practically burned by the sun since the bus stop and the place I call home isn’t that near after all.

Or I should blame myself after all for all this sh!t to happen.

P.S. Sorry for anything whatsoever.

1 kiss(es):

Allen said...

i like ur mouth