Friday, December 28, 2007

Wrap Up of 2007 (college version)

2007 is going to come to an end soon. I actually liked 2007. Even thou 2007 were a bumpy year where nothing went quite smoothly, but I did found bits and parts of something that actually makes it a somewhat great 2007.

Here is a little flash back of 2007.

-Went to a college alone without any of my friends (don’t ask me why)

-I get to know a bunch of great friends from college. (awesome people)

-Experience different phrase in life, some are at its best and others are for its worst.

-Went around to places with friends experiencing life and gaining experiences.

-Trying out foods together all over the place (yea you guys get me fat but I love you all XD)

-Last but not least I grow up. (a little)

Maybe life has been better or maybe I wasn’t happy after all. But it sure is a 2007 that would be memorable.

*muaks* Love everyone who made my life a little happier, you know who you are. (and screw those who made my life a living hell??)

P.S. this might sound like a cheesy entry but it’s true from my heart.

0 kiss(es):