Sunday, December 30, 2007


It is not like I am going to achieve any of the resolution that I set for myself for 2008, but there is not harm trying to set one.

1. Sleep before 12 everyday.
- This would be merely impossible, since i am already a nocturnal person.

2. Cut down my online times.
- These days I am practically in front of the comp 24/7. (which I got to admit isn’t quite a good thing)

3. Read more.

4. Stay healthy.
- What is the definition of healthy anyway?

5. Earn more peanuts. (or in another word spend less)
- Yes peanuts, lots and lots of peanuts

6. Stop being naïve.

7. Try to have a great time even thou I am having a bad time.

8.Be happy always.
-Hard but I think possible right?

May I stick with it and have a great 2008. (so naïve right?)

Happy New Year People!

2 kiss(es):

Allen said...

cut down online time ??
u might as well wait for ur cat to bark LOL

-jamie- said...

you would never know.... lol