Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Little Cleaning

16th of November a day that I vowed to clean up my room and parts of the house which I have been promising myself to do so since second semester’s holiday. (talk about bad self discipline) At last I got to finish 75% of the cleaning (I am satisfied already), maybe another day of cleaning and it will be done.

During those hours of cleaning I have gone through a lot of old things aka rubbish that I have kept since forever. (even after I have clean up my room for a dozen times) Today I decided to throw all of them away. I guess it is something more like letting go and getting rid of the past? (so I have now piles of rubbish to be thrown off) Plus I even redecorated my room just a little, and now it looks a little more spacious. (let’s just say I really gotten rid a lot of rubbish)

Now my room is once more cleaner and comfortable. I am happy that I have clean it up at last.

Too have a little treat for doing so. I treat myself two J Co doughnuts and a cup of hot coffee.

1 kiss(es):

Anonymous said...

come and help me clean my room..;P i treat u 2 banana fritters and 1 cup of teh tarik kurang manis..:D